Make small changes to your diet

As they say, 6 packs are made in the kitchen! That’s right, to stay lean and fit, having regular exercise is one aspect, but more importantly, it is directly related to what you eat.


Get rid of

– saturated fats (butter, processed cheese)

– simple carbohydrates (white rice, white pasta)

– processed foods (pizza, cookies, long ingredient list)


Replace with

– healthy fats (avocado, nuts, olive oil)

– complex carbohydrates (whole foods, whole wheat)

– home made foods, more natural ingredients


Reduce the consumption of refined sugar and salt. North American diet typically consists of way more sugar and salt than the daily recommended values. Try lowering them in your daily meals, they may not taste as flavourful, but definitely way healthier.

Make small changes everyday, you will see big results in the future 🙂

